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Energy Healing


(answering your most frequently asked questions)

Zara bowen

emotion code practitioner

The conscious lotus

Night Star Sky Isolated Icon Design

About Zara

Hi! I'm Zara. I was introduced to Energy Healing several years ago when I was having alot of health problems. I had chronic pain from a young age, extreme allergies, gallbladder attacks, PTSD and more. After an Energy Healer who was trained in the Emotion Code technique helped me find significant relief in all of these areas of my life, I was absolutely amazed and began my own journey of becoming an Emotion Code Practitioner. Now I love helping others find healing in every area of their life including mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.

What is The Emotion Code?

  • The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique created by Dr Bradley Nelson that allows us to identify exactly which emotions are weighing on us (yes, ”emotional baggage” is real) and then release them from our body and energy field.
  • I received my Emotion Code Practitioner Certification in 2019 and love using this modality to help people heal. Releasing trapped emotions has a wide variety of benefits that can range significantly from client to client including improving mental & emotional health + providing physical relief and healing.
  • A few things that I have helped people with by releasing trapped emotions: Allergy Relief (nature and foods), Anxiety and Stress Relief, Morning Sickness Relief, Acute Pain Relief, Gallbladder Attack Relief, Nightmare Relief, Headache/Migraine Relief + Many More

What are Trapped Emotions?

  • Think back to a moment in life where you felt a really strong emotion such as sadness, anger or grief... But in this particular situation, for whatever reason, you didn't feel like it was appropriate to express this emotion. Mavbe vou felt embarrassed by vour feeling or it occurred at a really inconvenient time. Instead of acknowledging or expressing how you felt, you stuffed that emotion away in your backpack to deal with later. How often did you go back and clean out the backpack?
  • Did you ever take the time to go back to each emotion, identify it and release it? Most likely, you did not. According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, the average middle-age adult has approximately 300 trapped emotions! That's a really heavy backpack.
  • We often hear people talk about how they have or know someone who has "emotional baggage" - but what people often don't realize is that emotional baggage is even more real than they've ever imagined. Each of the trapped emotions that we talked about is a ball of energy that is stuck in your energy field and weighs on you (i.e. literal emotional baggage).
  • These trapped emotions cause blockages in the natural flow of energy through our body. These blockages can cause mental, emotional and physical illness. During an Emotion Code Session, I use Muscle Testing to identify which trapped emotions you have and remove them from your energy field.

What is Muscle Testing?

  • To understand muscle testing, we need a little backstory about our subconscious mind & the energy in our body... Did you know that your subconscious mind is like a filing cabinet, storing and organizing everything that it needs to know about your life and your body? On an average day, we only use about 10% of our conscious mind. The majority of our daily activities and reactions are governed by patterns that were trained into our subconscious mind over time. Our subconscious mind knows exactly how well each of our organs is currently functioning and has tucked away many memories that our conscious mind has long "forgotten".

  • Now for a moment, imagine your physical body to be a house. Much like electricity runs through the walls of our house, there is an energy current that runs throughout our entire body and it even overflows into the space around our physical body (it is not contained by our skin). This energy current connects to every little piece of who we are; our conscious mind, subconscious mind, emotions, organs, spine, etc. Very similar to the way an electrician can come to our house and test how well the electricity is running through our walls, we can use a technique called Kinesiology (muscle testing) to see how well the energy current is running through our body.

  • Muscle Testing (Kinesiology) allows us to ask the subconscious mind what we need to know to help our body function better. Muscle testing does not hurt. Muscle testing can be performed in many different ways. A person can use muscle testing on their own with a version called sway testing or they can have muscle testing performed on them by another person. Very similar to turning a light switch off, the muscles will respond by briefly becoming weak when the energy weakens.
  • Because energy is not limited to the physical body, muscle testing can also be performed on the patient's behalf without physically touching the patient at all. And because energy is not limited to time or space, this practice can be used from anywhere across the globe, as long as permission has been given.

How Do You Clear Trapped Emotions From the Body?

  • Throughout your body, there are little energy 'veins' called Meridians. Energy runs through your meridians similar to the way blood runs through your veins. All of these little energy channels connect to one main energy channel - your governing meridian. The governing meridian runs from your top lip, over your head and down your spine. By working with this meridian, we can access all of the smaller meridians as well.
  • A magnet or hand chakra (the energy centers in the palm of your hands) can be run along this meridian to clear the trapped energy that you are working with.
  • During sessions, people often begin feeling the energy moving through their body.. Some people say it feels like gentle running water, warmth or tingles up their spine. Many people have told me that they feel much lighter after their session, like a weight has been lifted off of them.

What Should I Expect During An Energy Healing Session?

All sessions are remote (over Zoom) and each session will go something like this:

-I will connect with your energy and ask your body (via muscle testing) what emotions are trapped in your energy field that are causing your mental, emotional and or physical symptoms

-I will clear this energy from your body and answer any questions you may have + suggest tools to help you continue healing

-You drink lots of water (hydration is helpful) and start feeling better!

You may experience results as soon as the first session and I find that many of my clients have experienced significant results by the third session.

Client Reviews

five star rating

“Zara’s knowledge of energy healing is both practical and comforting. We began working with her at a time when my family and I had very little understanding of how energy worked. She did an incredible job of explaining how emotions can get stuck in our bodies, causing energy to become blocked. She taught us how simple it is to use our powerful intention to remove them. She has done sessions with my husband, myself, and all of our children. Her skills helped to bring insight and healing to a vast array of situations ranging from a gallbladder bladder attack to nightmares. Her work was also an integral part of our journey to financial breakthrough. If you are feeling stuck for any reason, I highly recommend working with Zara! She has a genuine passion and gifting to empower you wherever you find yourself on your journey of healing and growth.”

"I'll never forget the day I had my first EC session with you, Zara! I was pregnant with my fourth child. I was so sick, vomiting, bed ridden, unable to eat or drink, and I was one day away from going to the hospital for IV fluids. I was experiencing A LOT of emotions surrounding that pregnancy (and in the midst of 2020, no less.) After my first session I was able to get up without dizziness, take a shower, drink a glass of water and eat crackers. My husband and I were SHOCKED! I had a few more session and felt better each time. I learned so much through that experience and I'm forever grateful for Emotion Code healing!"

"Zara is an incredible healer and guide. She is very in tune and receptive. "

"After every


I feel


"Zara helped me to realize the power and divinity within myself and learn to unlock my latent potential."

Book a Discovery Session

During this session we will get to spend some time getting to know each other over a Video Call & begin your healing journey! You will get to share your unique story with me, ask me any questions you may have, and together we will create a plan to help you achieve your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health goals! Discovery sessions are a discounted one time fee of $77 for a 1 hour call.

After this session we will be able to create a session package for you including frequency of sessions and finances that works for you (you are under no obligation to purchase future sessions).

How to Book Your Session

Simply text 863.241.3420 and say

Hi my name is _______ and I would like to book a discovery session with you!

After receiving your text, we will select a time that works for both of us and I will send you an invoice.

Looking forward to connecting with you!!